Beauty Smasher

Botox – Anti-wrinkle Injections

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Accentuate your natural beauty, boost confidence and delay the signs of aging with Botox. Get your doctor-prescribed anti-wrinkle injections with Bocouture or Botox for a brighter, more youthful look.

Since it was first approved for cosmetic treatment in 2002, Botox has revolutionized the aesthetic and treatment of aging. You can expect:

  • Fast results.
  • No downtime.
  • Less wrinkles (fine and formed wrinkles).
  • Natural look.

What is “baby botox”?

An introductory toxin for those taking a chance for the first time or for those who prefer a very natural look. The whole face and client’s problems are resolved and the toxin is applied to the areas that need it, so two or more areas may be affected, but the total amount of toxin used remains unchanged. This may not remove all the wrinkles and still allow some movement. If you like it but feel like you need fewer lines or movements, you can add it for an additional fee. Balance replenishment can be carried out within 4 weeks after treatment. 

Where can I get botox?

Anti-wrinkle injections are most commonly used to improve the appearance of frown lines between the eyebrows, crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes, wrinkles on the forehead and laugh lines. You can also benefit from looking less tired or angry (a request we often get from men). Find the best place to buy botox online.

Nefertiti neck lift

Dramatically improve your appearance without wasting your arms and legs. As we age, neck bands can pull the face downward, which causes severe aging of vision. The Nefertiti line improves the “fibrous” appearance of the neck while preventing the face from dropping downward. It’s the non-invasive equivalent of a facelift – no price tag!

How does botox work?

Botox and Bocouture are proprietary forms of botulinum toxin. Many people think of Botox as a wrinkle-smoothing agent, but it’s much smarter! The toxin is injected into the muscles rather than the wrinkles themselves, temporarily relaxing the expression lines. This blocks the absorption of acetylcholine, which sends signals from our nerve endings to the muscles, telling them to move. It effectively train the underlying muscles to avoid contraction – the movement that creates wrinkles in the first place!

What causes wrinkles?

Many different factors cause wrinkles to appear, and while genetics and expressive face can undoubtedly contribute, stress is usually the main culprit. We all have stress in our lives – some more than others – and it can dramatically affect our skin and facial features. How? It disrupts our hormones, which can cause imbalances that affect everything from our mood to our appearance. With age, estrogen imbalances in particular can manifest in poor skin quality, which also leads to breakouts, thinning of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. Learn more about stress and how it affects our appearance and buy facial fillers online

Harpal path

This is something that needs to be addressed at several levels; If we take care of every layer of skin (superficial, middle and deepest), we are much more likely to maintain excellent skin for our age. Despite the fact that we will always be glad to see you on a one-off basis, we prefer to work with you on a long-term basis. We look at your goals, skin problems and budget and plan to achieve them.

This can include dermal fillers, treatments such as radio frequency microneedling to stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin in the skin, skin surface regeneration with microdermabrasion, or a good chemical peel. Every little thing helps and your skin will show you when it is in a good spot.


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